January 13, 2004 – January 19, 2020
God brought Jacob into this world on January 13, 2004, at 8:13 am. To say that our son was a gentle soul would be an understatement. Even from a young age, he was blessed with a kind heart and was sensitive to others around him, easy to trust, confide in, and made you feel as if you were his best friend. Those who had the opportunity to direct his path – his aunties, uncles, grandparents, teachers, all loved him and felt as if he was their son. It was downright difficult to punish him because he was quick to repent and negotiate his way out of most situations. He was naturally funny and knew how to tell a story. Jacob embraced life with childlike joy, and his beautiful smile will forever be etched in the hearts of so many. Although his life was brief, it was complete. He was privileged to attend the best schools, and he did not take that opportunity for granted, always striving to achieve his goals. We, as his parents, frequently reminded him that his intelligent mind was a gift from the Lord, and what he would choose to do with it was entirely up to him.
Jacob always thought of the needs of others, especially his friends, and was eager to include them in our family trips, invite them to our house, and share his numerous blessings. He loved to explore; as a young boy was fascinated by the sky, the mountains, the beaches, and thankfully he experienced it all.
In our home, he was deeply loved by all of his minions (younger siblings), who were all easily and willingly under his control. He set the pace, was a great example, and was the peacemaker when they would annoy each other as five siblings often do. What we want everyone to know about our son Jacob – above all – is that he loved the Lord with all his heart. Our prayer for our children was always that they would be the light in this dark and dismal world. And he was.
Jacob is leaving behind a legacy that we could not be more thankful for, and he was a son we could not be more proud of. We can’t wait to embrace him again in the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Read Jake’s testimony.
I have been asked hundreds of times in my life why God allows tragedy and suffering. I have to accept, by faith, that God is sovereign and He is a God of love and mercy and compassion in the midst of suffering.
Dr. Billy Graham